1 in 5 Mobile Subscribers to Use Carrier Billing in 2025

1 in 5 Mobile Subscribers to Use Carrier Billing in 2025

A new study from Juniper Research has found that over 1.5 billion mobile subscribers will use carrier billing globally to buy either digital content, physical goods, or digital tickets, in 2025. However, it warns operators that if they wish to capitalize on this sizeable user base, they must maximize the attractiveness and value of the carrier billing opportunity to merchants by positioning their networks as distribution channels, rather than as mere payment facilitators.

A key market driver in carrier billing has been the adoption of a new API called ‘Check Out’ that emerged from the CAMARA project; an open-source framework that standardizes APIs for telecoms networks. Whilst this has been the key to increasing subscriber access to carrier billing, the report warns that deploying this API alone will not be enough to capitalize on the huge global carrier billing opportunity with spending forecast to grow from $83 billion in 2025 to over $130 billion by 2029.

The report urges operators to transform their networks into distribution channels, enabling mobile subscribers to purchase digital subscriptions via an operator’s consumer-facing platform. Unlike established bundling, this strategy is underpinned by the integration of content management services, allowing operators to have a direct billing relationship with their subscribers for digital content. Operators must maximize these platforms through revenue share agreements with digital service providers to capitalize on the large user base.