Most Cost-Effective Sustainable IT Initiatives Are Underutilized

Most Cost-Effective Sustainable IT Initiatives Are Underutilized

Some of the most cost-effective sustainable IT initiatives currently have less than a 30% adoption rate by organizations, according to a survey by Gartner. “Sustainable IT progress is underway at a solid pace,” said Kristin Moyer, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner.

“The survey found that executive leaders have completed an average of nine sustainable IT initiatives in the categories of data centers and cloud, digital workplace, data, and software. However, sustainable IT adoption patterns show that executives may not always be implementing the most cost-effective initiatives,” Moyer added.

The survey was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2023 to assess the actions and impact of IT to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within IT and the enterprise. In total, 200 executive leaders across North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific participated in the survey. It found that 64% of executive leaders believe they do not receive the emissions performance data they need from vendors. “Because of these limitations, some executive leaders struggle to prioritize sustainable IT initiatives or know where to start,” said Moyer. “They also neglect to consider sustainable IT initiatives that are low cost and achieve moderate GHG reduction.”

While the top two areas where executive leaders have accomplished the most sustainable IT initiatives are the data center (86% of respondents) and the digital workplace (79% of respondents), some initiatives are more cost-effective and have low adoption in both categories. In data centers, they include uninterruptible power supply (UPS) rightsizing and enhancing cooling. “Executive leaders should right-size their UPS(s) based on current and future capacity requirements, which helps increase efficiency and cost savings,” said Moyer. “Enhanced cooling systems like immersion cooling, passive cooling, and direct-to-chip cooling are also underutilized and can drive significant water reduction and mitigate GHG emissions.”

In the workplace, executive leaders are underutilizing circularity in IT. Only 22% of surveyed executive leaders are choosing to purchase refurbished assets to improve circularity and reduce waste and GHG emissions. In addition, many organizations are still refreshing devices based on a fixed expected life span, instead of using analytics to determine the optimal time to replace laptops, PCs, and servers. Executive leaders should use device performance analytics and telemetry insights to replace devices on an as-needed basis. Gartner estimates that by 2027, PC as a service will grow to 50% of PC procurement, an increase from 20% in 2023.