Three Areas for CISOs to Augment Cybersecurity Approach

Three Areas for CISOs to Augment Cybersecurity Approach

Chief information security officers (CISOs) who elevate response and recovery to equal status with prevention are generating more value than those who adhere to outdated zero-tolerance-for-failure mindsets, according to Gartner. “Each new cybersecurity disruption exposes that CISOs manage more through adrenaline than intention, which is unsustainable,” said Dennis Xu, VP Analyst at Gartner. “CISOs need to be resilient through intention, rather than adrenaline if they want to thrive.”

“The industry has made incredible strides on the prevention side of things, but response and recovery remain under-developed muscles because of the industry’s zero tolerance for failure mindset,” said Christopher Mixter, VP Analyst at Gartner. “In an era where successful cyberattacks are increasing in volume and impact despite preventative cyber investments, organizations must augment their approach to elevate response and recovery to equal status with prevention.”

To begin the journey toward augmented cybersecurity, Gartner’s label for a cybersecurity function that has elevated response and recovery to equal status with prevention, CISOs should prioritize three areas of activity: building cyber fault tolerance in the business, streamlining to a minimum effective cyber toolset, and building a resilient cyber workforce. Mixter and Xu outlined how to rapidly make progress toward becoming augmented cybersecurity organizations via these three areas:

  1. Build Cyber Fault Tolerance In the Business

Gartner recommends that CISOs work to build cyber fault tolerance into their business by focusing first on two areas of business activity where preventative cybersecurity measures are very visibly underperforming, GenAI and the use of third parties. For a rapidly evolving technology like GenAI, it is impossible to prevent all attacks at all times.

The ability to adapt to, respond to, and recover from inevitable issues is critical for organizations to explore GenAI successfully. Therefore, effective CISOs are complementing their prevention-oriented guidance for GenAI with effective response and recovery playbooks. Regarding third-party cybersecurity risk management, no matter the cybersecurity function’s best efforts, organizations will continue to work with risky third parties. Cybersecurity’s real impact lies not in asking more due diligence questions, but in ensuring the business has documented and tested third-party-specific business continuity plans in place.

“CISOs should be guiding the sponsors of third-party partners to create a formal third-party contingency plan, including things like an exit strategy, alternative suppliers list, and incident response playbooks,” said Mixter. “CISOs tabletop everything else. It’s time to bring tabletop exercises to third-party cyber risk management.”

  1. Minimum Effective Toolset

One of the places that the zero tolerance for failure mindset is most embedded is in cybersecurity’s approach to technology. “CISOs keep old gear past its sell-by date while also rushing to add new tools without fully understanding the added cost and management complexity they bring,” said Xu.

“CISOs must break the cycle of gear acquisition syndrome that inhibits their ability to thrive by embracing an ethos of adopting the fewest number of tools required to observe, defend and respond to exploitations of the organization’s exposures.” To achieve this, CISOs should identify redundancies and gaps by mapping their toolset to their controls framework, build technology proofs of concept around deployment risks, not just feature functionality, and aggressively pursue GenAI augmentations to existing tools.

  1. Build a Resilient Cyber Workforce

“CISOs and their teams often have a heroism mindset,” said Mixter. “They feel they must avoid bad outcomes at all costs, even at the expense of their health. They need innovation, experimentation, and engagement from their people more than ever, but the way they ask their people to operate often has the opposite effect.” To create a resilient cyber workforce, CISOs must treat resilience as a true competency, and build it in their people in the same way they build technical and other competencies. They should make it easy for employees to get the support they need. This includes building self-care into employee workflows, like counseling and decompression exercises during active incidents.

Also, sharing failures and learning stories could help. CISOs should set an example and be the first to share examples of times they fell short of their objectives and what they learned from those experiences. Another thing to have in mind is to reengineer work to reduce burnout. CISOs should engage employees to understand where they experience friction in their work, reduce bottlenecks, and leverage automation to free people up to focus their energy on activities that truly demand it.