EC Announces Actions to Tackle Risks from e-Commerce Imports

EC Announces Actions to Tackle Risks from e-Commerce Imports

The European Commission announced action to tackle risks stemming from low-value imports sold via non-EU online retailers and marketplaces hosting non-EU traders. The EC said it encourages actions, among others, in the areas of customs and trade, such as launching customs controls, consumer protection, and the Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts.

Last year, around 4.6 billion low-value consignments, i.e. goods with a value not exceeding €150, entered the EU market equalling 12 million parcels per day. This is twice as many as in 2023 and three times as many as in 2022, and many of these goods are non-compliant with European legislation. The EC explained that this exponential growth is raising numerous concerns.

Mainly, there are more and more harmful products entering the EU. More so, European sellers, who respect high product standards, are at risk of being harmed by unfair practices and the sale of counterfeit goods through online marketplaces. Finally, the large number of packages being shipped and transported has a negative environmental and climate footprint.

The EC said the EU should use all the tools it already has at its disposal and highlighted initiatives that are currently discussed by the co-legislators. In addition, it proposes new joint actions to address concerns arising from the surge of unsafe, counterfeit, and otherwise non-compliant or illicit products entering the market.

The EC called on Member States to come together to play a strong role as Team Europe to improve the effectiveness of actions taken by national authorities and the EC. Within a year, the Commission will assess the effect of the announced actions and publish a report on the findings of the increased controls. The EC will then consider whether existing frameworks and enforcement activities are adequate. If not, further actions and proposals will be considered to strengthen the implementation and enforcement of EU rules.