ENT Signs Several New Contracts Worth More Than €15 Million

ENT Signs Several New Contracts Worth More Than €15 Million
Dražen Tomić / Tomich Productions

Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed new contracts worth more than €15 million. Several contracts were signed for the digital transformation and modernization, expansion, as well as maintenance of communication networks.

In Croatia, several projects were contracted in the field of digital transformation of state administration, public services, and security, smart cities, hospital systems, communication systems for business users, and maintenance of existing systems. Among the most prominent deals are new contracts concerning the system for monitoring the European Union's green border and the maintenance of the Joint Information System of Land Registry and Cadastre.

On the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ENT contracted the implementation of the latest technological version of the Ericsson IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) solution with HT Mostar, as well as the introduction of VoLTE (Voice over LTE) service and the maintenance of BH Telecom's network. In the Kosovo market, ENT contracted the optimization and maintenance of the IPKO operator's network and the expansion of Telekom Kosova's capacity.