George Zhao Resigned as Honor Boss
Honor announced that its CEO George Zhao resigned.
Kostas Nebis, President of the Management Board and CEO of Hrvatski Telekom will continue his career within Deutsche Telekom Group, taking over the role of Chairman and CEO of OTE Group in Greece. He will take over the new position on July 1.
In July, Nebis will resume his role as HT CEO, a position he has held since April 2019. During his mandate he managed the turnaround of the company, focusing on employee and customer satisfaction while delivering strong business results, accelerating growth, and defending the leading position in the market with leading investments in gigabit infrastructure and digital solutions.
Nataša Rapaić has been appointed President of the Management Board and the new CEO of HT effective July 1. She has held the role of Member of the Management Board and Chief Operating Officer Residential (COOR) with Croatian Telecom since 2013. During her mandate as COOR the company has undergone a successful transformation into a digital company, strengthening its status as a market leader and the most loved telecom brand in the Croatian market.
“As CEO, Kostas Nebis has played a crucial role in the success story of Hrvatski Telekom. Kostas established a thriving, future-ready business that puts our customers first. I thank him for his dedication, and I am happy that I will continue working with him as our new CEO at OTE in Greece. I am glad that with Nataša Rapaić, we have a strong successor coming from our ranks. With her growth mindset and track record of delivering outstanding business results, I am confident that Nataša will continue the success story of Hrvatski Telekom as CEO”, said Dominique Leroy, Member of the Management Board of Deutsche Telekom for Europe.