George Zhao Resigned as Honor Boss
Honor announced that its CEO George Zhao resigned.
A1 Group announced changes in its leading positions across several countries. Jiří Dvorjančanský, who has led A1 Croatia and A1 Macedonia for almost 10 years, has decided not to extend his current contract and will leave A1 by the end of May 2024. Dejan Turk, currently CEO of A1 Serbia & A1 Slovenia will take the role of CEO for A1 Croatia & A1 Slovenia effective June 1st, 2024.
Judit Albers will take over the role of CEO for A1 Serbia, also effective June 1st, 2024. She joined A1 Group in 2021 and has been leading and transforming International Business since then. She brings 25+ years of international telco experience, having worked in several of the A1 countries as well as in Germany and Azerbaijan (among others).
Metodija Mirchev, currently Executive Director for A1 Macedonia, will now directly report to A1 Group as the new CEO of A1 Macedonia. Metodija joined A1 in 2020 and his long-term experience in the Telco industry with knowledge and focus on the local market proved to be the key success factor.
“We want to extend our sincerest thanks to Jiři Dvorjančanský for his outstanding contributions to A1 for almost 10 years. Jiří’s structured approach, attention to detail while not losing sight of the holistic view and his willingness to learn and grow are exceptional, and we have greatly enjoyed working with him. I wish Judit, Dejan, and Metodija all the best for the upcoming challenges,” commented Alejandro Plater, CEO of A1 Group.