First Fixed End-to-End Network Slicing Solution for Gaming
Nokia and e& UAE tested slicing solutions to create a dedicated end-to-end network slice capable of meeting the speed and latency demands of today’s gaming applications.
The mobile network of Hrvatski Telekom was once again recognized as the best in Croatia. This is confirmed by an independent quality measurement of mobile networks in Croatia, organized by the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM).
According to these results, HT's network achieved the highest scores in all categories. Its mobile network demonstrated superior performance in both voice and data services across cities, small towns, roads, and highways, significantly outperforming the competition. With a total score of 888.2 points, HT achieved the best overall score, 64 points more than the second-ranked A1 and 99.5 points more than the third-placed Telemach. In voice services, HT scored 17.2 points more than A1 and 40.2 points more than Telemach. In data traffic, HT outperformed A1 by 46.8 points and Telemach by 59.3 points. HT also achieved the best results in all four major cities in all parameters for both voice and data traffic.
The Quality Measurement of Mobile Networks in Croatia covered 31 cities and approximately 5,000 kilometers of roads and highways. It was conducted during February and March 2024 by the specialized company Commsquare Hellas. The testing included areas inhabited by about two million people, meaning over 50% of the total population. The maximum possible score was 1,000 points, with 600 points for data services and 400 points for voice services. Approximately 3,100 samples were collected for voice services and over 2,100 samples for each test scenario for data services per operator, using a drive test system.